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Magnetic Survey Data Form

This is a request form for retrieving magnetic survey data:
Date Range Selection
Both in decimal years (data available from 1900 to present)
Latitude/Longitude Range

Please enter the latitude and longitude range (in decimal degrees) over which you would like the data to be extracted:

Please enter southernmost latitude followed by northernmost (in the range -90 to 90)
Please enter westernmost longitude followed by easternmost (in the range 0 to 360)
Types of Data Required

Map of Results

[Hint: click on markers to view data]

Click "Plot on Map" Above to Map Results

To obtain results from a web service in JSON, GEO-JSON (adding -pp for more human readable format) or CSV format use requests like https://gifswebapi.bgs.ac.uk/wdc/global-survey/data/?start-year=2015.0&end-year=2020.0&north-latitude=90.0&south-latitude=-90.0&west-longitude=0.0&east-longitude=360.0&add-source-information=False&format=geo-json-pp modifying the query string parameters as appropriate. Simple documentation for the web service parameters is available at https://gifswebapi.bgs.ac.uk/wdc/global-survey/.